So...I took a bit of time on this lovely long holiday weekend to watch a movie. It was the Bucket List with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman---and it made me think about what I might put on my bucket list, i.e. things that you want to accomplish before you kick the bucket. I realize that in part, that I've stopped some of my own dreaming and have replaced it with goals/wishes for my child. I suppose that it is natural for parents to refocus their energies elsewhere, but it is also a bit sad to lose so much of one's personal self.
I'm acutely aware of other's dreams as I read blogs of families who are hopefully waiting for their travel dates...that certainly would have consumed much of my bucket list years ago! But...where to focus now? Hummmmmmmmm....... what are others out there planning/wishing for??
What a beautiful picture! You know my dream.......
hi there -- you just posted on my blog. thanks so much. Great to click on yours and hear the song I so love. I look forward to following your blog but I had just happened to scroll down and see your Bucket List post. I have this movie waiting for me on my table right next to me from NetFlix. I have to watch it.I was just talking today with a friend of things I'd like to do by the time I'm 40. I don't want to wish my life forward four years, but aside from the obvious that I hope will happen in 2009, it's nice to think of lovely life experiences that follow. Keep dreaming!
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